Find out if you are elligible for financing your tools by filling out the Application Form. Instructions are provided below.

Financing Application

Dent Magic Tools Lease Application Instructions

 Every Lease Application looks complicated - but in most cases your Lease Application can be completed in less than 15 minutes!

The application is detailed and thorough but only because complete information will help us process your application quickly. Missing information can slow the process and delay getting you the equipment you need.

Most parts of the application are straightforward. But if you have any questions you can turn to the quick explanations we’ve listed here. Don’t waste your time reading through these now, but return to this list if you have any questions. Or, give us a call. You can contact your financial representative, Isabel Lopez-Emerich, directly at (844) 561-2733. Or you can contact us at (417) 724-8558 with any questions.

  • Vendor Information: Vendor Information is already filled out excluding the amount you would like to borrow for purchasing and type of equipment you are seeking. The Equipment Description is what the lease is purchasing; training, PDR tools, Windshield Repair, Headlight Restoration, ect. The Equipment Cost is the amount of money you want to finance.
  • Business Information: This section is information about your business. The Business Name is the full legal name of your business. The name your business is registered under for state and federal tax purposes. If you are sole proprietorship with no business name, you can use your full legal name.
  • Personal Information: Is the business owner’s information, it provides the home address and individual Social Security # of the primary owner of the business and any partner he may have. This information is important because smaller or newer businesses may not have enough credit history as a business to support a lease. Even in other cases, the owner’s credit history can be an important factor in determining the interest rate of a lease, the total amount of credit advanced, and so on.
  • Bank Information: This section is used for credit references. It is to verify that you are in good financial health.
  • Trade References: refers to other businesses that work with your business providing supplies, equipment, or services. Someone who can vouch for how you handle your business bills. If you do not have trade references you can put credit or financial references that have the ability to report on your financial health.

When your application is complete you can add any additional comments that you believe will help in processing your lease application. When you press Submit Application you will be given another chance to review your application. Please verify that all the information is correct. After submitting your reviewed application your Sales Representative will contact you to let you know the process is underway. Typically, with full information, we can get you an answer 24 hours after we receive your application!

All financing is handled by First Pacific Funding

First Pacific Funding is a national lender based out of the Pacific Northwest with satellite offices across the U.S. We provide financing to companies for new or used business equipment and technology. Whether you're an equipment dealer who needs a leasing partner to fund your customers or a business owner looking to lease your next piece of equipment, FPF has the expertise and support to help you succeed.

First Pacific Funding strives to provide superior customer service, ensuring the finance package we offer is tailored specifically to each customer's individual needs, helping their business grow.

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